Antenatal & Hypnobirthing Classes in Fareham & South East Hampshire.

Hi, I am Sarah and I am so pleased that you found me!

It is my mission to inform and educate you about birth to enable you to have a positive birth experience! I teach hypnobirthing in a realistic, friendly and light-hearted way to help you cope with pain and feel in control.

If you are anything like me, when getting pregnant the initial excitement was quickly clouded by the fear of having to actually give birth to the baby! I’d heard all sorts of terrible comparisons about giving birth being like ‘shitting out a watermelon’ - erm, no thanks!

Thankfully a trusty friend told me to sign up to hypnobirthing… Derren Brown was the first thing that came to mind so I was a little sceptical but after doing a taster session with The Birth Uprising TBU I was SOLD!

Now, to be clear, I am not saying my birth was perfect by any stretch, BUT I did feel in control. I fell in love with hypnobirthing, so much so, I trained to become an instructor to share the wisdom with other pregnant people!

hypnobirthing teacher teaching

I bet you didn’t know that Hypnobirthing has been proved in research to have these benefits on labour… !!!!

Reduction of fear and pain

Less likely to have birth interventions

Increase feeling in control

Better postnatal recovery

Greater chance of spontaneous labour

Less likely to need pharmacological pain relief

I am based in Fareham/South East Hampshire, with courses running in Stubbington, where I will be offering group face to face sessions. BUT don’t panic if you aren’t local or can’t manage the journey, there is the option for private 1:1 sessions too!

CLICK HERE to join me on my FREE mini-masterclass, an ‘Introduction to Hypnobirthing’!

Here I talk more about what Hypnobirthing actually is - the name does NOT do it any justice. Join me to learn what it actually is, and how it can benefit you birthing your baby!

It’s not what you think…

If you are anything like me, right now you are TERRIFIED of birth and already trying to think of ways to get out of it.. Maybe you are even contemplating just going straight in with an epidural, or maybe even requesting a c-section. Thats certainly the type of thing that was going through my mind. Yet, you wonder, that maybe, just maybe, it is possible that it doesn’t have to be this awful?

I know that you want to have a positive birth experience. I think it’s true to say that all mums do. I know this because I’ve been in your shoes and had those same worries. I guess the difference is, I’m the other side now.

Do you want the possibility that you could actually have a positive birth experience?

Do you want your birth partner to be able to support you as best as they can during both your labour and when baby arrives?

Do you want to know what all of your options are for your birth and what your rights are around making decisions?

If the answer is YES, you are in the right place!

My antenatal and hypnobirthing course will offer you everything you need to know to help you feel fully prepared, confident and maybe even excited to birth your baby! The course is for you AND your birth partner to give you education to understand what happens to your body, skills to help you manage with pain and knowledge on how to inform yourself so you are prepared for any eventuality.

It all starts with science.

Our bodies are pretty clever, right? So surely they wouldn’t give us a birthing system that was intended to ruin our bodies, causing agonising pain for days. This is definitely a worry that many mums have, certainly something that went through my mind. Well, lets strip things back to science and the biology behind labour. Did you know that the hormone that drives labour to progress - oxytocin - only makes an appearance when we feel safe, loved and happy? So in order for labour to move forwards we have to be in a calm and safe headspace. One of our stress hormones - adrenalin - can do the opposite and can slow our labour down. Sadly, in modern society, people gets spikes of adrenalin when perhaps it is not required. For example, an unknown caller rings! This isn’t life or death. A good example when adrenalin is helpful as there is a genuine life and death situation is when the cavemen were being hunted by lions. Here adrenalin literally saved lives! Hypnobirthing teaches you to understand how your body was designed to give birth; how each body part works and then how you can maximise each of these amazing benefits and work with your body, not against it.

Check out my Blog!

  • I would recommend doing the course anywhere after the 20th week of pregnancy. It could be done up to 35 weeks but a little time to process the content of the course and practice skills gives them the best possible chance. Equally better late than never!

  • All of it! I know that some birthers can describe feeling like ‘a spare part’ but they are absolutely not! Birth partners play a massive role, and whilst there is a part dedicated to them in the full course, they need to know everything the birther knows!

  • You can indeed! This course is for labour and birth, for all pregnant people. No matter which way your baby is born, hypnobirthing is for you!

  • Yes, it isn’t a cheap outgoing but it is absolutely worth every penny. Your labour and birth is something that will be with you forever. It is not uncommon for birthers to have felt coerced into decisions during labour that they didn’t feel comfortable making or didn’t fully understand. This course equips you with all the tools to try and prevent this from occurring. Take a lot at our positive birth stories to see why hypnobirthing is so popular.

Sarah was my absolute GO TO during my pregnancy and beyond. Pregnant ladies, get following, she is so awesome!
— Lizzy K

Did you know that hypnobirthing was also fit to serve a princess?!

I saw the power of it really, the meditation and the deep breathing and things like that, that they teach you in hypnobirthing, when I was really sick and I was trying to do everything I could to help myself, and that was hugely powerful.
— Kate Middleton